The Xbox 360 3 Red Light Fix Can Be Done Yourself
Seeing 3 Red Lights on your xbox 360 is like buying a car and having the wheels fall off. microsoft is now receiving 1,500 to 2,500 broken 360s per day in UK alone. UK repair centers are now redistributing faulty consoles to foreign repair centers in order to clear an overwhelming backlog and keep up with the 1,500 to 2,500 xbox 360s arriving at its doors on a daily basis, according to customer reports. The numbers are steadily rising like gas prices.
The main reason so many of these consoles are giving up the ghost is because of heat. The xbox 360 mother board is similar to that of a regular Desktop PC with a powerful graphics chip. The only problem is that they can't dissipate the heat that the graphics chip is producing like a Desktop PC can.
Those after market Intercoolers can do more good than bad to your console. They have been reported to scorch the power AC input. microsoft also stated that some intercoolers drains too much power from the console and can cause the errors to occur.
You should move your console if it sits inside of an entertainment center or is enclosed in a tight space. It has to be able pull in air and get rid of heat freely. Although this is not the cause of the 3 Xbox 360 red light error, it can't hurt to try.
Another problem the xbox 360 has with heat is that it causes the motherboard to flex. When this happens it stresses the solder joints causing micro cracks. This results in poor connections to the tiny resistors under the graphics chip.
There are two clamps called X clamps that hold down the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit -aka- graphics chip) and the CPU (Central Processing Unit -aka- the brain). They don't do such a good job of holding the heat sinks that are suppose to cool these chips down.
These heat sinks get so hot that they melt the thermal compound between them and the two chips. This causes the two chips to com in direct contact with the heat sinks that get so hot that you can literally fry an egg on them.
If you don't feel comfortable opening your xbox 360 console then you should send it back to microsoft and let them fix it. Let me warn you that you will have to wait 4 to 6 weeks to get it back because you number 1 million and something in line. The Fix can be done yourself. With all those billions, why microsoft designed the xbox 360 the way they did is a mystery.
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