Friday, March 21, 2008 

Developing A Good Fade Golf Shot

A good golf swing, for most people is developed through hours of golf instruction and practice. Many people never really do develop what they would describe as a good golf swing. The most common problem for the average golfer is overcoming their slice. For many beginning golfers it is a cause of great frustration and may cause them to quit the game of golf altogether. A golf ball slices when one of several golf swing problems cause excessive side spin on the ball causing the ball to curve to the right.

If you have a good golf swing that is consistent and repetitive then you might even want the develop the effects of a slice. A controlled slice is called a fade. The major difference between a slice and a fade is the amount of control. Why would you want to slice the ball? All golf courses have obstacles and dogleg fairways that have to be overcome by the golfer. Many golfers will play short or lay up to get around these course obstacles however many good golfers will choose to hit a fade or draw golf shot. A good fade shot is a good way to get around a right dogleg or an tree located in the right side of the fairway. again a fade is a controlled right hand curving golf shot.

So how do you make a good fade shot? You begin by getting into your normal address position. swing your club up to waist high follow through position so that your left arm is fully extended so that the club and your arm forms an L shape. That means the tip or toe of the club must point back to right. When you look down the club shaft you should note that your point of aim is 10 to 15 feet to the left of your target.

Now bring your swing all the way to the back swing position. Repeat this move several times to ingrain the feel of this swing. You will notice that the position of your follow through position will cause your to take a wide outside upswing plane. As you make your down swing your club face will remain open as your swing moves outside during your release. This will cause strong left to right spin and thus a fade shot. You will have to spend a good deal of time at the range to get a comfortable and confident with your fade shot. Remember to warm up your practice session using the fundamentals of a good golf swing. Plan your practices sessions with distinct objectives. Keep a diary of each practice session to assure you develop a repeatable golf shot.

On the course you can use the mental check list of steps provided above to make sure that your swing plane is correct for the fade shot. Some golfers will also increase the amount of fade by further opening the club face. one additional tip is to make sure you maintain strong left hand grip to delay the release of your hands which will also open the club face at the point of impact. As you develop your skill and confidence at making a consistent fade shot your enjoyment of the game of golf will increase and your partners will marvel at your skill. Imagine the look on their faces as your ball fades around a center fairway tree to lie in the middle of the fairway on the other side. A good golf swing is a beautiful thing.

James Kesel, MS, is the publisher of Good Golf Swing website. Providing information on golf swing tips, putting tips, Golf instruction, golf Swing Aids and golf ebooks.

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Disney's Expedition Everest - Keep Your Eyes Wide Open

The newest attraction to grace walt Disney World's mountain range is Expedition Everest in animal Kingdom. It has been the buzz for many years, and much anticipated since Epcot's Soarin' was unveiled a few years ago. I experienced the attraction twice - once in stand-by, and once with a FastPass.

The architectural illusion of the attraction house (which is shaped, obviously, like Mount Everest) is absolutely stunning. The peak looks miles up (but Splash Mountain is actually taller!), and there is nothing around to clutter the view. It could be Disney's best illusion yet - and you don't even have to wait in a line to experience it!

The line queue is nice as well - visitors weave through a quaint mountainside village on their way to the loading bay. On the way, teaser exhibits describing "Yeti lore" show that locals admire a certain mountain creature.

My first ride experience was a bit of of a disappointment. It reminded me too much of the aged Matterhorn in disneyland. I won't spoil the actual attraction for you here, but it was a regular roller coaster. Think Indiana Jones (in Paris, not Disneyland!) mixed with Matterhorn.

However, I later learned that I missed the attraction's major highlight (I must have blinked or something) - a large Yeti. The next time I kept my eyes peeled, and I saw, for less than two seconds, the largest, creepiest, most monstrous animatronic Yeti in all of Disneydom. For the effect of those two seconds, the ride suddenly became worth it. I just wish it was more obvious, and that I had seen it the first time.

Dirk Vanderwilt is the author of several travel guidebooks for the Tourist Town guides series. Tourist Town guides offer independent, honest advice about America's top tourist hotspots.

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Xbox 360 Repair - 3 Red Lights

Almost every xbox 360 users will come across a common xbox 360 problem - 3 red lights. Some called it as "Red Ring of Death" (RRoD). There are different codes that flash on the power switch to let you know what is wrong with your console. "Red Ring of Death" means you have a general hardware error. This problem has been actively discussed everywhere especially in the xbox 360 related problem. Although 3 red lights is a common issue of xbox 360 and a lot of complaints & hates everywhere, people still buy xbox 360 console as it has many awesome game titles.

Although microsoft did not published the main root cause of the problem, there are a lot of people taking their own risk of breaking the xbox 360 console to find the root cause. By understanding the possible root causes, we can make the proper correction. Here are the summarized of the reasons as to why the xbox 360 3 Red Lights happened:

1. Insufficient Air Circulation

xbox 360 produces hot air when it is on. Therefore it is always recommended to place your console at an open air area to allow the proper airflow. So, if possible, try not to place your console in closed cabinet when you are using it.

2. power Brick

If you observe the xbox 360's power brick, you will find a LED, which indicates the health of the power brick. If the power brick is overheated, the LED will change to red. It is worth getting the power brick on an open air area to allow the proper airflow. This is similar to the 1st root cause. try to place the power brick at open air area which cannot be reached by children.

3. GPU Soldering Joints & The X-clamp

Many people claims that this is the main root cause of 3 red lights problem. When a gamer playing a xbox 360 game for long hours, heat will slowly melting the GPU soldering joints. Due to the X-clamp design, it causes the GPU soldering joints becoming loose slowly and this is the time where the screen freeze happened intermittently. Eventually you will get the 3 red lights problem.

If you read the three root causes above carefully, you will notice that all these root cause are under a same category, which is "Overheated". Therefore, if you are owning a new xbox 360, which does not have the 3 red lights or any hardware problem, it is advisable to place your console at an open-air area or cool air-conditioned environment. You can also buy an additional external xbox 360 cooling fan. The cooling fan does not cost much, but it will help to prolong your console's lifespan. If possible, turn off your console for 30 minutes after playing game for about 1 hour.

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