Thursday, March 6, 2008 

Who Else Wants Free Golf Tips Lessons On The Web?

first golf tips lessons on the web Driving tips for golf

There is not a beginner anywhere who would not want to hit their driver better. A great drive will set up the hole perfectly and is also very gratifying. Here are a couple of tips to improve your set-up position when hitting your driver. first of all, make sure that at least 60 percent of your weight is on your back foot at address. second make sure that the end of your clubs grip points at the middle of your body.

The reason you would like to have the grip pointing that way is that it helps promote the sweeping action necessary for a driver swing, allowing you to hit up on the ball. If the end of the grip is not pointing at the middle of your body, you may be prone to press forward with your hands. That causes more of a chopping action with the driver you have seen the divots on par 5 tee boxes as opposed to the preferable sweeping action.

second golf tips lessons on the web - swing keys

There are two swing keys that will help you to hit your driver long and true. first of all, make a full turn on your back swing, turning your back to the target and coiling into your back leg. This will help you to achieve maximum torque, helping to store the power you are about to unleash on the ball. second, make sure that on the downswing, your head is behind the ball. This is especially important at impact. You simply will not find a good driver who has their head ahead of the ball at impact.

our online golf lesson provides you the best golf tips lessons on the web on grip, stance, posture and other fundamentals of the game, while our sports psychologist provides insights on discipline, patience and handling the pressure of the game.

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Guitar Hero Review (PS2)

Guitar Hero is a fun music based game for the ps2. The developer of Guitar Hero, Harmonix, had previously created Amplitude and before that Frequency. All three of these games are music based games where you have to strum or button your way through a song. Frequency was the first, and in my opinion (and that of my friends) better than the sequel Amplitude. While Amplitude had a much better shared multiplayer view, the songs weren't as good and the sense of actually playing the music was much decreased in Amplitude. So when the guys come over to play games at my place, we usually plop in Frequency and not Amplitude.

Guitar Hero carries on the tradition, and I think is an improvement over Amplitude. It actually includes a guitar controller, which is a half-size plastic guitar with five coloured buttons on the neck. You "strum" a two inch long lever, and the guitar even includes a bendy bar. But you don't have to use this peripheral if you don't want to. Using the controller feels very much like Frequency or Amplitude, except that you sometimes have to hold down the notes over time, which wasn't a feature in the previous games.

But the guitar peripheral makes it so much more fun, you'll want to use it. The joystick ability really only comes in handy when you play in two-player mode against a friend and can't afford to buy a second guitar.

But how do you actually play a song? easy to learn, difficult to master. The coloured buttons on the neck correspond to coloured dots on the moving score of the song. The score actually approaches you, and as coloured dots approach and cross a line right in front of you, you have to have the correct coloured button held down as you strum the guitar. Then the note will change to a different one, so you have to change your fingering before your next strum. It is easier than it sounds. Check the ign website for Guitar Hero videos.

How is it? Fun fun FUN! This is one great game with great songs, and great multiplayer action. I've only played it multiplayer with a controller, but getting a second guitar in there would be even more of a blast. I had my friends over to play this game and they all raved about it. If you like listening to music and have a ps2, then you owe it to yourself to at least try this game.

Problems? Yes, a few. My biggest complaint (though not that big in absolute terms - this is a great game) is that the mapping of music tracks to game tracks isn't as fun as many of the tracks in Frequency and Amplitude were. In those game you'd really get into a groove and really enjoy how the tracks were arranged by the developers. Guitar Hero doesn't have quite the same creativity when it came to laying down the tracks. As well, the game ramps up in difficulty way too fast. The hardest setting is clearly impossible for everyone without a genetically enhanced metabolism. (This was also a problem with Frequency and Amplitude.)

But don't let those things distract you from what is otherwise a very fun game. And if you don't want to splurge on the full price right away, you might want to try Frequency. It's an older game so is now in many bargain bins. It's a true gem, and you can try out this style of gameplay for less than $10.

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