Tuesday, October 9, 2007 

Two Effective Exercises To Boost Metabolism and Burn Fat

If you are trying to lose weight by only following a diet program that restricts calories, you tend to burn muscle protein first and slow down your metabolism. That is why physical exercise is necessary and beneficial to our health and weight loss program.

If you wish to speed up your weight loss through exercises, there are two types of exercise that are effective in burning unwanted fat and not lean body mass. Aerobics and resistance training are known to specifically burn body fat and increase metabolism.

These exercises also keep metabolism raised round the clock so you burn calories even while you sleep, change body composition by reducing fat and increasing muscle mass, improve body's ability to increase insulin and carbohydrate sensitivities and therefore not storing carbohydrate as fat.

Aerobic exercise involves regular, continuous,steady and rhythmic movement that is sustained for at least 20 minutes at the same pace. This type of exercise strengthens your heart and lung as well as your bones. When you do aerobics at moderate pace, your body prefers to burn fat which is already stored as body fat.

Fat-burning exercises are jogging, walking, cycling, swimming and aerobic classes. Anyone of these exercises are not difficult to do and to get motivated and avoid boredom, you can alternate these exercises.

When you walk, ensure that it is a steady nonstop brisk walking, at a pace that raises your heartbeat and makes you feel like you are exerting yourself. If you are new to jogging, start with brisk walking, then gradually add short stints of jogging, one minute of slow jogging and then back to walking for a few minutes.

The other effective exercise to burn fat and build muscle effectively is resistant or weight training. This training uses your muscle to push against gravity, and in the process of resisting it, you increase the strength, endurance and power to your muscles.

Therefore any exercises that make your muscles work are in fact resistant training. This includes activities such as climbing stairs, doing sit-ups etc. This type of exercise tones and firm your muscles and improves your shape and appearance. If you are working with weights, you might want to start with a low weight and gradually add more resistance by using heavier weights. This will train the muscle to work harder and grow stronger.

By building muscle, you create more metabolically active tissue, and muscles burn more energy even when at rest than does fat. The more muscle mass you build the more you will increase your metabolism.

Be sure to start any exercises with a warm-up and end with a cool-down. Warmups increase blood flow to your muscles and tendons and lubricate your joints and prepare them for the exercises. The cooldowns slow your heart rate gradually back to normal and give your body time to wind down. Cool-down means the slowed-down version of your main activity plus some serious stretching.

Once you have reached your weight loss goal, you may want to cut back slightly on your physical activity and maintain your weight loss through proper eating pattern.

Get your exclusive free report on Weight Loss at http://www.Weight-Loss-Secrets-Revealed.net

The truth about weight loss and exercise revealed and secrets of belly fat exercise are exposed at the website. Just click on the link to visit.

Shafir Ahmad is an Infopreneur bringing you the best information.

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Is the Lemon Detox Diet Effective?

Yes! A lemon detox diet IS effective for both cleansing and weight loss.

Here's the idea:

Consuming anything sour makes the liver and gallbladder purge stored toxins. The liver is especially important for weight loss and overall health. When the liver is filled with toxins, it cannot do its critical tasks in metabolizing fat. So that is why it is essential to keep your liver in top working condition.

In a lemon detox diet, you use the juice of a fresh lemon in a cup of hot water in the morning. The morning is when our bodies are in a natural cleansing phase, so it is a good time to consume cleansing foods and juices.

Then, you also use either fresh lemon juice or a slice of a lemon in water that you drink throughout the day. In the lemon detox diet, water is a key component. You should drink at least 64 ounces a day.

Lemon juice provides an added benefit: it also supplies the body with a good dose of vitamin C.

But don't use lemon juice as your sole method of cleansing or weight loss.

Although a lemon detox diet is beneficial, it will not be as effective as a more thorough detox. You will lose more weight and gain more energy by going through a more thorough detox.

In a more thorough detox, you will consume vegetables, fruits, spices, and herbs that are known for their cleansing and fat-burning abilities. Fresh lemon juice is a part of a more thorough detox diet.

But most detox diets (such as Ann Louise Gittleman's Fat Flush Diet) incorporate a detox period of at least two weeks.

This is too long!


Well, a detox requires that you deprive yourself of most of the things that you love. The longer that a diet requires you to deprive yourself, the lower the chance that you'll STICK with it.

The optimum period for a detox diet is one week. Most people can stick to a restricted diet for that long.

Want to lose up to 7 pounds in 7 days, have more energy and feel more relaxed than you have in years? Go to http://www.powerfulweightlosssolutions.com to get your FREE copy of The 7 Day Detox Diet & Cookbook, a highly effective, brief detox diet that will do wonders not only for your metabolism, but also for your overall health and energy levels.

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Eat Less to Lose Weight

With all the new advances in nutrition and exercise research it seems to be a contradiction that obesity and over weight is on the rise in North America. It's pretty clear that we know more now than we ever did about how to eat properly and how to exercise for weight loss and overall health. Research in nutrition and exercise shown us exactly what we need to do to lose weight, get into great shape, and stay that way? If science has progressed in these fields of research, why hasn't it resulted in a more fit, healthy, and slimmer population?

The truth is that the opposite is happening to the population. The percentage of overweight, obese and unhealthy adults is rising right along side our scientific knowledge of how to fight it. What is even more alarming is the rise in the percentage of overweight and obese children. We are teaching our children our bad habits.

This is sending a pretty clear message to me. The information we get from scientific research is not reaching the general population. Or more accurately, the message isn't being supported enough by government and industry in our daily routines.

For example: Science would dictate that you should eat modest portions of whole foods, with plenty of fruits and vegetables as a staple of a healthy diet. The reality is that most of us can find half a dozen fast food restaurants within 5 minutes of our houses that are offering us the exact opposite of what we know we should be eating. Even more troubling is the fact that if everyone actually tried to eat the daily recommend amount of fruits and veggies there wouldnt be enough to go around. Author and acclaimed nutrition researcher Marion Nestle points out in her book What to Eat that the north American food supply of fruits and veggies doesnt even add up to the daily recommend amount for each person. The food industry will only produce the food they know they can sell. And we as a population just dont buy that much produce.

The repeated and relentless marketing messages to eat more we receive on a daily basis can overpower most of our better intentions when it comes to making food decisions.

The one message you will never hear from the food industry is eat less. However almost all diet studies that show any significant amount of weight loss have one thing in common: the people in the study consumed less calories.

This is the paradox. Science tells us to lose weight we need to eat less. But the food industry which surrounds us every day is telling us to eat more. And the voice of the food industry is much louder than the voice of science. Just think of how many fast food restaurants, convenience stores, radio and tv commercials, flyers, coupons and other food ads you are exposed to in a day. Then think of how many daily messages you get reminding you to eat a sensible diet with moderate portions and whole foods.

Its not a fair fight, and I dont have to tell you which side usually wins in the battle for your attention. Look no further than the rising obesity, overweight, diabetes and heart disease rates and you have your answer.

Food manufacturers and restaurants know how to push your buttons and entice you to purchase their products, and lots of them too, this is unlikely to change any time soon. It will always be your personal challenge and responsibility to choose to eat less in a society that will forever continue to tell you to eat more.

John Barban is a certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and a varsity strength and conditioning coach. His trademarked http://www.6minuteCircuits.com Circuit Training Workouts is designed to get a full body cardio and muscle toning workout in the comfort of your own home. John is a senior contributor at http://www.grrlathlete.com where you can sign up to get insider information in the nutrition and fitness industry. You can ask John a question on the http://www.grrlathlete.freeforums.org dedicated to support women with their fitness and nutrition goals.

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