Tuesday, October 2, 2007 

Where Would We Be Without Mobiles?

Four years ago, I was staying alone in a hostel in london and I had my mobile phone stolen. For two weeks, I didnt have a replacement one and it felt awkward.
After the first few days, the panic wore off and I felt a relief of sorts, knowing that people knew that they couldn't get hold of me and they would just have to get on with it. It was a time of rebellion, like an adventurer without a back-up plan. I was enjoyed the novelty of really feeling alone (despite the 7.5 million people who were sharing the city).

The novelty of a phone-free lifestyle came to an abrupt end when a friend was half an hour late to meet me somewhere and I started to panic about where she was. The imagination went wild. I learned that day that old habits die hard and that freedom comes with a price.

before mobile, people expected a degree of uncertainty to their plans and gave leeway to time. telephones were fixed at certain points that people had to travel between, thus introducing a space in time/place for setbacks. now, with mobile communication, lateness of anything more than five minutes warrants, at the very least, an apologetic text message. New etiquettes and standards have been established in a world in which people are expected to have a means of communication in their front pockets.

The speed of Immediacy
A potential client calls and asks if you got the email that he sent you. You were out of the office and you obviously haven't checked your email. You're not sure how to access your emails on your phone, or even if the phone is capable of it. Youre a little embarrassed, to say the least.
General expectation has risen in terms of the speed of communication. With mobile phones, people expect you to be permanently contactable and quick to react. people who are hard to reach literally get left behind because arrangements need to be instantaneous. The situation has literally become sink or swim.

The Text message
Just imagine life before the text message, a time when you had to make actual conversation in any verbal interaction. The text message has made communication clean and convenient. The introduction of the MMS means that picture messaging has become the ultimate Wish You Were Here, because unlike a postcard, you actually are there at the time.

The future of mobile phones with voip
The introduction of VoIP means that communication is more affordable. now we can make maximum use of our mobile phones. Our usage of the mobile phone is only going to increase in time as new technologies become commonplace.

The Swiss Army Knife of the 21st Century
The mobile phone has become the new multi-purpose tool. A mobile phone can now replace a diary, a camera, a mp3 player, a flash disk and even a laptop. These are all commodities of the 21st Century.
life was much slower when we were without mobiles. We were less stressed and people demanded less from us all the time. but equally, you cannot deny the absolute convenience of having a mobile phone, something that is coming to assist us with everything.

technology has replaced general knowledge in becoming the indicator of whether you are up to date with what is happening in the world. Never before has the gap between the haves and the have-nots been so wide. people need to accept that mobiles are an essential tool in the modern day world.

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The End Of Civilisation - A Cause For Worry?

With the recent spate of news report of global warming, I shudder to think of the consequences. global warming is an inevitable phenomenon that results when sun rays get reflected back by greenhouse gases and end up warming up the earth instead of being dissipated back into outer space.

Water levels have been rising in regions of Earth especially in Antarticia where a large amount of ice residue.

Many believe that the end of the world is coming.

Aeons ago, dinosaurs ended by the dodos due to probable weather or environmental changes. Lake toba was formed when an extinct volcano erupted and ended lives. The remaining people eventually perished due to adaptation failure. Subsequently, the volcano collected water and became a famous tourist attraction.

Interesting how civilisations end and reconstruct, isn't it?

Many suspect that drastic changes will eradicate all mankind in decades or centuries.

Will this ever happen if we start taking care of the environment? Supermarkets have taken steps to implement charges for issuing of carrier bags and major companies have stipulated 'suitable' air conditioner temperatures to be 26 degrees celsius. Everyone from individuals to nations are playing their part in saving this Earth.

Let everyone play a part in conserving Mankind and saving this earth. Environmental changes are ultimately affected by every single one of us.

Will our descendants lead a life in which pollution is rampant and environmental conditions are too hot or too cold? In that case, is it worth letting our future children experience such a tormented life.

This is something interesting to think about. Think not for yourself but for your grandchildren.

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Plumbing How To Keep it In Working Order

A correctly designed and installed home plumbing system is practically trouble-free. Should problems occur, there are standard methods for dealing with them for the do-it-yourselfer. And there are good reasons as well a neglected leak inside a wall, on the floor, or in the ceiling may cause serious damage.

Most plumbing systems provide numerous shutoff valves for controlling water flow in the supply system. Sinks and lavatories have individual shutoffs for hot and cold water; toilets have just one. The first thing to do in an emergency at a fixture is to close the shutoff valve.

Whether or not the home has individual fixture controls for the water supply, you will always find a main shutoff near the water meter or at the wall where the main water line enters the house. Leaks and overflows can be stopped quickly at the main shutoff, eliminating a search for individual shutoffs. Become familiar with all shutoffs so you can get to them quickly in an emergency.

What to do in an emergency:

Pipe leaks Joints that have corroded or frozen (and burst) will leak. Tightening a threaded joint or re-soldering (or re-gluing) it may cure the leak. Burst pipes can sometimes be mended with a clamp-on pipe patch. If not, they must be replaced.

Leak in a wall Most often caused by a faulty riser pipe to a shower or to fixtures on a higher floor. With this situation it is best to get professional help. A reputable plumber should be able to tell you whether he has to cut into the wall to make the repair.

Overflowing toilet tank A toilet tank overflowing into the toilet bowl will be heard long after flushing. Close the tank shutoff valve. Access the water closet where the flapper valve is located. Lift the float by hand. If the water stops, bend the float arm slightly to lower the float. Flush and test again. Adjust as needed. If the flowing persists I suggest replacing all the components in the water closet. It fairly cheap and easy to do this.

Stopped up sink drain First try a rubber plunger. If this doesnt break the clog then try a chemical drain-opener following the directions on the container. If this fails put a bucket under the trap (the U-shaped pipe), loosen it and remove it. Most home improvement stores sale a clog removal device made just for this problem. Remove the clog, usually hair and soap. Replace the trap and run hot water for a few minutes to flush everything.

There are a few of the common plumbing emergencies you may encounter. Most can be corrected by the homeowner without resorting to a plumber. If you encounter a problem you feel is more than you can handle then call a professional immediately. The longer you wait the more costly damage that may occur.

Chuck Lunsford is a successful Webmaster and publisher of JustGoDoItYourself.com He provides more tips and advice on do it yourself plumbing repairs.

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Yoga Can Get Your Diet on the Right Track

The ancient Indian sages were involved in intensive study and research into the nutritional value of food and one of the upshots of this was that they divided food into three categories which became known as Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic.

Tamasic food can be said to be in the lowest category as far as its food value is concerned and it is classed as being without quality prana (life energy).

Rajasic food is stimulating, possesses considerable prana and forms a significant percentage of the average persons diet.

Sattvic food however, is the only category that fulfills the ideal food of the Vedic teachings. It comprises foods that are fresh and natural, and contain a high pranic or life content. Some examples are fresh fruits, nuts and vegetables.

The teachings encourage an adherence, in the main, to the Sattvic foods, balanced by a percentage of the Rajasic class, but an abstinence from foods that are classed as Tamasic; in that have little or no prana.

These ancient principles are still adhered to today and it has been amply demonstrated by contemporary food scientists at the Yogic Umachal Hospital in india that the ancient teachings are, in fact, quite valid.

Although modified to some extent, a simple parallel can be seen in the conclusions of Western nutritionists who recommend that people:

  • avoid lowest grade foods; those that are commercially produced using artificial flavorings, colorings and that contain chemical preservatives and additives
  • eat limited quantities of rich, highly spiced, highly processed and cooked food, as well as butter, cheese, eggs, chocolate, confectionery and other foods containing high levels of processed cane and beet sugar, and
  • ensure that a high percentage of the diet should consist of fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts and grains

The important difference is that modern diets still include great quantities of meats of all kinds. These are totally excluded in the Yoga diet for several reasons.

  1. The traditional Yogic rule of nutrition excludes them as being devoid of life energy or pranathey are in fact classed as dead foods
  2. Meats in quantity cause acidity and leave deposits of toxins in the blood that can cause arthritis and other diseases, depending upon the health of the animal whose flesh was consumed, and
  3. yoga adherents believe firmly that no one who loves animals would wish to kill them and eat them or even to foster their exploitation for human consumption

It is the over-riding altruistic reverence for all life that influences a tradition that precludes killing animals for food. The Yogis diet is therefore vegetarian.

This as well as other yoga teachings and disciplines are incorporated into personal Sadhana according to the individuals choice and understanding of health and spiritual matters.

Sally Janssen is one of the best known Yoga teachers in Australia, and is a former President of the International yoga Teachers Association. She runs an informational website that deals with the very spirit of traditional yoga. To benefit from her extensive knowledge be sure to visit her site at http://www.classical-yoga.com

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