Friday, March 7, 2008 

Golf Swing Techniques

There are 4 steps a golfer will need to consider when he is looking for ways to improve his or her golf swing techniques. They need to look at their stance, the swing itself, the way they contact with the ball and the follow through at the end of the swing. Unfortunately in order to build up the best technique possible when it comes to your golf swing this will take time and is not likely to occur over night.

In this article we will be taking a closer look at the 4 steps a play should be using in order to help improve their golf swing.

Step 1 Stance
This is where the power of your swing begins from and so if you stand in a strong well balanced way you will find that as you swing the club you are able to gain more power and the ball will travel further.

The easiest way to ensure that your stance is correct is by walking up to a golf ball with your club in your hand and then get yourself prepared ready to hit the ball. It is important that when you stand with your feet at about a shoulder width distance and then lay the club down so that the shaft is touching each of your feet. By doing this you will see in which direction you are going to drive the ball and so you can adjust the way in which you stand if you find that the club is not actually pointing in the right direction.

Step 2 Swing
It is important that if you want to improve your golf swing technique you need to actually evaluate the swing itself. The best way to do this is by videoing yourself and seeing how you are actually swinging through to hit the ball. It is important that you ensure that your torso is rotating properly as you move from the upper position and go down into the downward swing position. It is important that you keep your torso moving as quickly as possible when swinging whilst ensuring that your back leg remains firm but is able to press forward. Doing this will help to build up the speed in your golf club head.

Step 3 Contact
It is important that you make the right kind of contact with the club head on the golf ball. As you begin to drive through with the club it is important that you concentrate on getting more energy into your hips and shoulders but keep your wrist firm and straight as the club makes contact with the ball. It is important that you do not snap your wrist at the bottom of the swing as this will actually decrease the amount of speed that the golf club head contains.

Step 4 Follow Through
When it comes to building up your golf swing techniques you need to be able to follow through correctly. If you do not then the accuracy of your shot and the power in your swing will be greatly diminished. It is important that your club ends up on the other side of the body to where it started in one smooth fluid movement.

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Pheasant Hunting Tips

Of course, the first tip is to have your shotgun loaded before you start out to find some birds.

Good locations for finding pheasants is a dry lake bottom with a significant amount of dead brush and weeds which are about knee to waist high or, in the edges of grain or corn fields.

The rooster (male) pheasant is the one that you want to be hunting. It is colorfully marked with long reddish-brown tail feathers and a red and green head. It has a white ring around its neck and has red-orange and black body. The hen (female) pheasant is smaller than the rooster. She is mostly light brown throughout the whole body and has short light brown tail feathers.

Pheasants follow a schedule as routine as your morning coffee. Understanding their routine can increase you likely hood of flushing out a rooster.

Before sunrise pheasants start their day at roost sites. This is usually the areas of knee to waist high grass or weeds, where they have spent the night. At first light they head for some place to find gravel or grit, such as roadsides, grain fields or similar areas.

They usually begin feeding around 8 am. In some places shooting hours begin at 9 am and the birds are still feeding.

By mid-morning, pheasants have left the fields for dense, thick cover such as standing corn fields, brush patches or native grasses. Here they will hunker down until late afternoon. The nastier the weather, the deeper into cover the pheasant will go.

It is hard to work large fields of standing corn, because pheasants will run to avoid predators. If you are hunting during mid day, then pick ditch banks, field edges, grass field and deep into marshes.

When you do have a successful shot, make sure and mark where the bird fell so it will not be lost on your way to pick it up because the brush and weeds make it difficult to find anything.

Eventually the pheasant has to eat again. So, during the late afternoon, the pheasants move from their loafing spots back to the feeding areas and are easier to spot.

In summary, the best time to hunt pheasants is the first and the last shooting hours of the day.

Hope these pheasant hunting tips were helpful and you have a successful hunting trip.

The author specializes in niche markets such as Hunting, boating and Fishing. For other tips and information visit:
Pheasant Hunting
Salmon-Saltwater Fishing
e Boat Loan

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