Wednesday, February 27, 2008 

The Future Of Snow

If I had a penny for everyone that asks for a "high altitude chalet" for their annual skiing holidays nowadays then I would be a very rich man!

But how can you blame them? The british press have been bolstering their winter broad sheets with the effects of "global warming" and the dreadful snow conditions that we have been apparently experiencing in the alps. This has of course been spurred on by doom mongers sat in a london press office, with all but a poorly placed webcam to gain their daily insight on the true snow conditions at a local level*. Nevertheless, they still feel qualified to paint a pretty dreary picture to the unassuming public as to the future of european skiing holidays.

Many webcams are inaccurately placed and only show snow at the Tourist office altitude which is often below the snowline and not where the real skiing is. Morzine in particular, (one example of a great british ski destination), has suffered this over sight by the Tourist office who have chosen not to lodge their webcam at the skiing altitude, but rather at a 900 metre resort level.

Coming from one who has spent every week of the ski season touring the alps over the last 11 years, then I feel qualified to have an opinion. Although I have seen a change in snow, it is not as dramatic as one is led to believe. If anything the seasons are simply shifting. We are getting the same seasonal levels of snow as we were a decade ago, but it now chooses to come later and stay for longer. April skiing is now bigger business than ever as it steals demand from the festive weeks; and rightly so because the reality is that April is experiencing higher levels of snow than ever before.

Thankfully, various ski associations with first hand knowledge of the actual snow levels of last season have sought public correction and recognition from the media as to the unfounded nature of their premature remarks; remarks about the uncertain future of european skiing holidays.

I have heard many tales of skiers cancelling their Christmas skiing holidays at the last minute with huge losses in cancellation charges, simply because they choose to believe all they read in the papers! If they had taken their holiday as planned and paid for, they would have found a ski resort skiing normally above 1500 metres, and please remember that most premier French resorts have 95% of their skiing above this level anyway.

Indeed the resorts where skiing is placed below 1300 metres are experiencing the "wrong kind of precipitation", as temperatures are rising. However if you pick a resort where the skiing is above 1300 metres, then you will be experiencing normal skiing conditions and full coverage of ski area, which nowadays is further enhanced by snow cannons; snow cannons that are actually making the skiing better than ever before.

Perhaps the snow that we have just experienced in Chamonix, (July 1st 2007) is not a good omen that the snow is still prevalent, but acting as a harbinger to climate change or a merging of the seasons?

The fact is that last season was actually a better season for snow above 1300 metres than the previous two years. Long term weather forecasts are suggesting a rise in precipitation over the alps in the next ten years, along with relatively low levels in temperature rise. Therefore although there may be rain at low levels there will be greater amounts of snow at higher altitudes, thus making resorts above 1500 metres all the more in demand for european skiing holidays.

Shaun Parker has been at the forefront of the Skiing Holidays Industry for 15 years. Now serving over 10,000 clients per year for snowboarding, mountain biking, activity and ski holidays, Alpine Elements provide a complete package for Apline holidays all year round. Visit

Toe Stretcher Yoga Toes


Obesity Pills Are Dangerous - Here's Why

If there really were obesity pills or supplements that really helped people lose weight easily and healthily, why is obesity on the rise? The fact of the matter is that most fat loss pills are scams, and the ones that might work to some degree are extremely dangerous for your health.

Obesity is a word that some people like to throw around even when it is not warranted. Unlike being merely fat however, being obese means that you are considered by the medical community to have serious health problems. before turning to obesity pills, you ought to first consider whether you even qualify for such a drastic measure (because obesity pills might not even be a good thing). To help you understand if you are at this point you can look at an obesity chart.

While there are many different types of obesity charts to be found you will need to look for one that you can understand with ease. For this reason, hunt around on the internet for a while. You will find lots of information about the condition of obesity. Some of these obesity sites will also provide their readers with information about how to read an obesity chart.

The obesity chart is one of the easiest ways that a person can understand where they stand at the weight scale. In some of the charts you will find lots of information which gives details about reading the obesity chart. Other charts will simply have a table with numbers that you can go through.

With both of these options you have complete privacy to see if you are in the obese or morbidly obese category. In order to read these charts you should do first look at the section which correlates with your sex. In that section look to see if you can find your height. From the height you will be able to see what information is given for your ideal weight.

The obesity chart will have figures for people from a height of about 4 5 up to seven feet. The ideal weight amounts which are provided will range from about 63 pounds to 275 pounds. Of course when you look at one of the obesity chart figures you need to understand that these given figures are just rough approximations.

This means that even though you have found some information which may place you as being in the obese range you still need medical confirmation. Your doctor should be able to let you know if the information that you have found in the obesity chart is accurate with regards to your health.

When people find that they have lost control over their weight they may sometimes begin to panic or even become depressed, and they might start eating more to compensate for this. If nothing is done to correct this situation, the person will slide into a state of being even more obese. The next step from this state is called morbid obesity.

before reaching this stage you should really start looking for viable options with which you can reduce your weight. Obesity pills really do not hold much promise for the time being, and can be quite unhealthy as well.

Are you looking for obesity pills? You should be wary of the fraudulent claims about obesity pills for weight loss. Instead of risking further health problems, try an easy and effective fat loss plan that anyone can follow by visiting

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