Friday, December 21, 2007 

Nintendo Wii Brings The Gym To You With Wii Fit

nintendo has announced a new fitness game Wii Fit which is a full on exercise product set to give you more of a workout than Wii sports, while still retaining all the fun of gaming. Wii Fit will help to keep you physically fit via a dedicated peripheral, a wireless balance board which comes with the game. There are over 40 different activities, including hula hooping, ski jumping and heading soccer balls.

The hula hooping consists of, as youd expect, gyrating your hips with a virtual hoop onscreen and then as the game progresses, characters will throw more hoops for you to catch and rotate as many times as you can until the time runs out.

The skiing game gives you two chances to make the longest jump you can whilst keeping your balance when landing. Players can increase speed by leaning forward, the more you lean the faster youll go, and upon reaching the jump, you stand up straight ensuring your weight is evenly balanced for a good landing.

For the football game, you will need to balance on the board moving from side to side whilst balls are fired at you to hit back on to the field and avoiding other objects that are thrown at you at the same time.

Training falls into 4 categories: Aerobics, muscle conditioning, yoga and balance games. Players can assign their height to a profile to measure body mass index and Wii fitness age as well as monitor progress and record performance statistics.

The calorie busting fun could appeal to couch potato kids as well a non gamers, perhaps using the nintendo Wii as a slimming tool which would be a move into the lifestyle category rather than gaming, covering the market from another angle.

nintendo hasn't given a release date yet for Wii Fit, although its thought to hit the highstreet in early 2008.

Karen Bennett

Yoga Ball Exercise Examples


Positive Energy

Cultivating positive energy: Most of us who study Yoga have been taught that an abundance of Prana (vital air or vital energy), can be found at the ocean, lakes, large open fields, and in the mountains.

Although the air is different, this same energy can be found where people assemble for a positive reason. For example: when people assemble to meditate or pray.

You can feel it in your home, at a church, mosque, temple, shrine, ashram, seminar, martial arts hall, etc. This is when people bond in a mass for the common good. The energy can be used to help humanity and our little planet for the best. You can project this energy outward by acts of kindness every moment of your life. This is not to say, you allow yourself to be abused. You can be kind to everyone who comes into your life, without becoming a doormat.

You have influence over a limited number of people who you see in a day. Why not make every contact a harmonious and positive experience?

Some examples would be:

Stop making foul gestures, becoming angry, and swearing when another driver on the road has irritated you.

Don't take advantage of respect with anyone.

Treat everyone as special no matter what their economic status.

In regard to your next question: What is the mystery behind attracting positive energy?

To be honest, there isn't one, but I will give you the formula.

Firstly, you have to realize that you have infinite potential, and it comes from within. You also have unlimited potential from the outside, when you engage in prayer, and meditation, on a daily basis. Prayer and meditation will positively charge you, and you will contribute to the benefit of others as a result of it.

In turn, all of this helping of others will result in finding people around you who are more than willing to give you a helping hand.

The following ideas will cultivate positive energy around you.

Make it a point to wake up in the morning with excitement and say hello to everyone you come into contact with. This goes for the security guard, janitor, maid, garage attendant, cashier at the store, and anyone you may overlook in the course of your day.

Stop criticizing your family members, co-workers, friends, and associates.

Be diplomatic first, before giving any advice.

Let your family know that you love them everyday.

Be sincere and treat everyone as important.

Take time to give to people. This doesn't have to be expensive. You could give a sincere compliment, a card, a letter, or flowers. Become a trustworthy partner with family, friends, co-workers and associates.

Set goals - whether they are tangible or not. It is a healthy practice to have goals at any age. The final results will be that your positive energy will attract positively charged personalities and successful people will seek you out. If this is a major change for you, it will not happen overnight.

Let me share a related Zulu saying: Patience is an egg that hatches great birds.

Why should you become an eternal optimist?

Every one of us has a choice. When you fall down, you must pick yourself up. You can't blame life's hurdles or obstacles you have to find solutions to get over, around, under, or through them.

Focus on your past achievements and learn to be happy with yourself. Everyone has failed, at some point, but we must constructively learn from our past experience.

Your individual approach, to life's daily obstacles, is the gateway to success or failure. Therefore, success is a matter of choice.

building Positive Energy

In relation to what most of us see as possible - success is unlimited. When primal man first discovered fire, could he imagine the concept of a forge? When modern man discovered the forge, could he imagine sky scrappers?

To build positive energy for pursuit of common goals and success, you need a support group. Find and seek out like-minded people.

My first taste of Yoga was over 40 years ago, at the age of 7, in a martial arts school setting. I have continued to study martial arts until this day and I have four teaching certificates in four different martial arts. Now I teach both Martial arts and Yoga. I began to seriously practice Yoga (under Laura Foster) over twenty years ago due to martial arts competition related injuries.

Laura was a skilled & knowledgeable teacher of Restorative Hatha Yoga, raja Yoga, and laya Yoga. After training with her for 3 years, she certified me as a teacher in 1987.

I became certified as a Master Teacher (Guru) on September 15, 1995, after teaching over 5,000 hours under her wing. Shortly afterward, Laura retired at age 90. Since that time, I started organizing Yoga Teacher Training camps. As time went on, we began getting requests from everywhere in the U.S. and Canada for a comprehensive Yoga Teacher Training correspondence course.

Yoga During Pregnancy Dvd


Do You Worry About a Bus Crashing Through Your Yoga Studio?

A number of years ago, a story appeared in the Los angeles times. It seems a man was sitting in his living room one Sunday afternoon, feet propped up, watching TV, eating chips and drinking a soda. totally relaxed, thoroughly enjoying his day. Not a care in the world. Suddenly, without warning, the wall of his living room explodes into pieces as a Los angeles city bus crashes into his home before coming to an abrupt stop. The man is unharmed, still sitting there with his feet up and a corn chip in hand. But now with a look of utter disbelief on his face as he stares into the tall glass windshield of the bus which is now facing him from where his TV used to be.

Some of us are prepared for such occurrences we anticipate they will happen and we are sure to build walls that not even a bus can penetrate. That's ridiculous. What is he talking about?, you ask. You see, many of us spend hours of our days (not only while awake, but also in dreams), worrying about anything and everything that can possibly go wrong. Okay, so maybe planning to deal with a city bus crashing into your studio is a bit much, but think about all the things that you worry about which may not be as extreme, but still hurt your business. (More on the bus story in a minute) I know studio owners who say things like:

I won't hire anyone new because they might not work out and then I'd need to fire them. (I'll stick with the mediocre staff I have at least I know their weaknesses)
I don't want to implement an auto-renew program because someone might not like it and tell all their friends that they didn't know they were on an auto-renew program and then no one will come to my studio anymore.
I don't want to sell merchandise (even what we use in class), because then I'd need to figure out what to do if someone didn't like what they bought and returned it. If this happened a lot, I could lose money. I'd better not sell anything.
I don't want to put out an email newsletter because if I write about a student and make a mistake they could complain and even sue me.

My question to you is this: Where in your own life (business or personal) do you spend time and energy worrying about things that might possibly go wrong? How much emotional energy does this take each week? How much time?

When we focus on what might go wrong, we defeat ourselves. First, we use up time and emotional energy. Next, if you follow the law of attraction, we attract into our lives exactly what we don't want. Also, if you devoted all this time and emotional energy to achieving something that you do want as a part of your studio (or of your life), imagine what could you achieve? There is a big difference between playing at life to not lose and playing to win. Virtually anyone in history who make any kind of a difference in the world played to win. Think of Gandhi, Mother Theresa, The Dalai Lama, or whomever you personally admire. Henry Ford once said Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eye off the goal.

So, how do we choose what to devote time and energy to? I often recommend a simple model, called the Circle of Influence. Imagine there is a circle around you. Inside the circle is everything in your life that concerns you AND which you have a reasonable degree of influence over. Things like the friends you have, what you eat for lunch, what you spend your money on, what type of work you've chosen, etc. Outside of this circle are all those things that you care about maybe very deeply but which you have very little or no influence over. This might be national or world politics, the weather, what choices most other people make in their lives, etc.

Now you get to make a choice. Once you've made this distinction, you may choose to focus nearly all of your time, energy and resources on those things within your circle. Sure, you care deeply about those things outside of your circle, but spending time worrying about them won't improve them. On the contrary, often when we focus on things inside our circle, it expands. Soon we find that we have more influence in the world than we did before. What things in your studio and in your life fall inside your circle of influence, and what falls outside of it?

The bottom line is this. Spend nearly all your time, energy and focus on the goal you want to reach. Only deal with those potential obstacles that clearly lie ahead in your path. As far as the guy with the bus in his living room goes, it turns out that the bus was stolen. In fact because it was stolen, the city refused to take responsibility for the damage. In the end, you can't prepare for everything. You can waste a lot of time trying, but there will always be the chance that a bus drives though your living room. Deal with what you need to and trust the rest will work out. If I might make a request: What is one area of your studio that you stress about, but which you could realistically let go of and be willing to just let go of worrying about? Okay, now do it I know if feels like a giant leap sometimes, but remember, many great souls have already proven this path for you. Go in peace.

Al Lipper
Coach Al Lipper


If you found this newsletter insightful, pass on the good fortune to others right now. Thank you!

Coach Al Lipper

business Coach for Yoga Studios
Destiny: Success
Telephone: (805) 544-3938

Coach Al Lipper of 'Destiny: Success' helps Yoga studio business owners smoothly run and expand their yoga studio business. He helps stressed and overwhelmed yoga studio business owners who spend most their time wrapped up in daily business tasks, who can't handle any more clients, or who can't make any more money out of the yoga studio.

Coach Al helps clients find new yoga business strategies which result in generating more clients, increased profits, and more free time for the business owner. The amount invested was small compared to the results. Contact him today to discuss your yoga studio challenges at (805) 544-3938 or visit

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