Wednesday, December 19, 2007 

Front Yard Landscaping Ideas - How To Plant And Care For Shrubs

Caring for both trees and shrubs is basically done in a very similar manner. The one major difference though, is that a tree usually only has one trunk, whereas a shrub can have several stems or trunks. And the planting of both trees and shrubs can be a little different too, so let's discuss the best way to plant shrubs in your home landscape.

It wasn't all that long ago that getting shrubs that were not only beautiful but also hardy was difficult to do. But today, there are many more varieties available including hybrids that greatly expand the choices for most do it yourself home landscapers. You can now find appropriate shrubs that provide outstanding color, bloom in various seasons, cover spots that grass simply won't grow in, and accomplish other purposes in your landscape design, no matter what region of the country you live in.

Shrubs stake out the middle ground in landscaping designs, as they are larger than flowers and yet smaller than trees. So they aid immeasurably in providing a varied and balance landscape theme. They can help soften the lines of a home, they can act as a decorative background for flowers, and they can even hide some things that you don't want to be seen. On top of that, they add character and shape to a yard, allowing you to trim and cultivate them as you wish. They also tend to be able to grow and reach maturity very rapidly, and last a long time.

To plant shrubs, it's usually best to choose early spring as the most favorable time. This gives the shrub a good long stretch of favorable weather in which to get well established. If you happen to live in parts of the country that are more mild year-round, you may be able to extend that planting season even into the wintertime. But generally speaking, for most parts of the country, springtime is when you want to start thinking about planting your shrubs for the next year.

The main reason for planting failure is dry roots and there are steps that can be taken to solve that After getting your shrub from the nursery, be sure to water it as soon as you can. It's often best to keep them in shade at least at first, mulch the ground around them, and you may even decide to prune back the shrub at this point, depending on the age of the plant. The older the shrub, the more it will need to be pruned back initially. That's why you often come out ahead of the game if you just buy less expensive, smaller shrubs to begin with. And although some plants like forsythia and azaleas can be moved while they are in flower, you should wait to move most shrubs until the flowering is done.

For some shrubs, who lose leaf moisture in the wintertime, you will need to be sure to water in the fall before the ground freezes. These include azaleas, rhododendron, and certain broadleaf evergreens.

Some folks are very hesitant to prune shrubs, but actually this helps keep them young and vigorous. Try to prune out the older branches first, and cut as close to the ground as you can. Many shrubs need pruning almost every year, especially if they have dead branches left over from wintertime, such as hydrangeas, deutzias, and privets. Others just need to head their flower heads pruned off after blooming like azaleas, magnolias and rhododendron.

With just a little bit of time and attention as mentioned above, you can insure that your shrubs stay looking beautiful year in and year out, and always reflect well on your landscaping design.

Thad Pickering writes on many consumer related topics including home improvement. You can find free landscaping ideas and front yard landscaping ideas by visiting our Home Improvement website.

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Essentials of Broadband Routers

broadband router is a computer based device which is mainly used for setting up a network. The network can be either wired or a wireless network. These broadband routers are used to ensure that all the systems in a network can transmit data with each other across the broadband Internet. As the features of broadband devices are similar, you can use them for both wired and wireless networks with its support.

The main need for these types of devices is while transmitting data. These devices have the stuff to transmit data between the distinct networks as data packets. Information is mostly transmitted from one system to other as packets of data. The basic requirement of this type of transmission is that two networks are needed to connect a router. A broadband router has to be used to connect those networks to transmit data between each other. These routers are performed as a gateway for those networks.

After connecting the two networks with each other by using broadband routers, now the computer users can share the Internet access easily. The data will be directed along with the computer on local network through the Internet. data can be exchanged even to computers which are kept at a distant. The added advantage of these broadband routers is to find out the virus attacks. The presence of a router becomes essential in a network to find out hacking threats and virus attacks. broadband routers can be used as a filter. Most of the broadband modems are not featured with in-built security features. Therefore if you use a network without router, it may welcome on-line hackers. You can get routers with built-in firewall features. It will be useful for you to have a safe and secure wired or wire-free network.

Types of broadband Routers broadband routers can be two types. One is adsl modem router and the other is a cable routers. adsl modem routers can only be used for adsl broadband connections where as cable routers can also be used for cable broadband users. The mode of performance is similar in these two types of routers. The main dissimilarity between these two broadband routers is the mode of connection. adsl modem routers can easily be connected just by plug-in to share Internet connection. In case of cable routers, cable sockets and ports have to be used for getting the connection.

Read more about Broadband Modems, Routers in and you can read broadband beginners Guide to know the basic of broadband. Experts and other members of UK Broadband Forum will always ready to answer your questions.

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