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Friday, February 8, 2008 

Fast Safe Weight Loss

Well, lets be honest people, there isn't some great technological equation to it all. Its not rocked science. fast safe weight loss the simple equation.

If you take in more calories than you burn off....you put on weight. Simple really, yet we seem to have a major problem adhering to that basic rule, I can't throw stones cause I'm in the same glass house as the rest of you. So no Clever retorts on my part then.

I have learn't on my travels there are a few basic techniques one can apply to aid in the process of fast safe weight loss, namely curbing the excessive need for sugary snacks. fairly obvious that one, although its amazing how it manages to fall under the radar time and time again, I put it down to clever marketing. When you look at the fact that a "healthy" bottle of fruit juice "containing real fruit juice" contains as much sugar as a bottle of your favourite fizzy ade, then no wonder all the kids are bouncing of the wall in five minutes flat.

You think your pancreas is prejudice against fizzy ade and not fruit juice...HELL NO. Both are rocket fuel once their on the inside.

high glycemic snacks and even meals, beget more high glycemic snacks and meals. Its a vicious cycle, you don't believe? Check this out, just try it for one day. Don't start the day off with a carb ridden breakfast. In fact, have absolutely no carbohydrates whatsoever, its imperative you have none. now, come eleven, see if your craving a crusty roll, or cookie of candy bar, chances are you wont be.

fast safe weight loss? Want it? Come and check out http://www.theunknownweightlossfact.com and give your selves an aaah thats why. Alternatively come check the blog for daily enlightenment. at http://theunknownweightlossfact.blogspot.com

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