The End Of Civilisation - A Cause For Worry?
With the recent spate of news report of global warming, I shudder to think of the consequences. global warming is an inevitable phenomenon that results when sun rays get reflected back by greenhouse gases and end up warming up the earth instead of being dissipated back into outer space.
Water levels have been rising in regions of Earth especially in Antarticia where a large amount of ice residue.
Many believe that the end of the world is coming.
Aeons ago, dinosaurs ended by the dodos due to probable weather or environmental changes. Lake toba was formed when an extinct volcano erupted and ended lives. The remaining people eventually perished due to adaptation failure. Subsequently, the volcano collected water and became a famous tourist attraction.
Interesting how civilisations end and reconstruct, isn't it?
Many suspect that drastic changes will eradicate all mankind in decades or centuries.
Will this ever happen if we start taking care of the environment? Supermarkets have taken steps to implement charges for issuing of carrier bags and major companies have stipulated 'suitable' air conditioner temperatures to be 26 degrees celsius. Everyone from individuals to nations are playing their part in saving this Earth.
Let everyone play a part in conserving Mankind and saving this earth. Environmental changes are ultimately affected by every single one of us.
Will our descendants lead a life in which pollution is rampant and environmental conditions are too hot or too cold? In that case, is it worth letting our future children experience such a tormented life.
This is something interesting to think about. Think not for yourself but for your grandchildren.
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